Monday, August 2, 2010

Liz, just a peck, jeez

Monday, the 26th

            Until 1:14pm today, I have no idea what went on…maybe some Devere’s attended class, but more likely not…all I know is that I had a date with my pillow until the early afternoon…and it was fantastic.  Of course I am not going to let a good day go to waste, so forty five minutes later, off to the Blarney stone.  The wolf-pack was accompanied with the lovely Kelsie and Liz.  Iowa represent...the wolf-pack had decided that these Iowans know how to hang…ladies, we thoroughly enjoyed your company, even though, Kelsie, you missed the stone.  Regardless, you climbed through the dungeon with us and put up with our ridiculous combination of meaningless jokes and wiener references…ya, so wiener jokes are still funny, get over it America.  After climbing through a dungeon that was no more than 2 feet high, we climbed up and up to the stone, and gave it a kiss.  A bountiful cornucopia of lyrical synonyms was intertwined into my quotidian vocabulary…o Blarney, how you make me wise.  Liz on the other hand had a romantic encounter with the stone…Liz, just a peck, jeez.
            After the stone, we went to the lime kiln…thanks #2, lime kiln was not cool.  A random house was pretty cool…for about 15 seconds.  But the rock something or other was a beautiful walk through the woods where we saw some witch stuff, magic stairs, a sacrificial altar, some fairy gardens, and to top it off, a 3-MAN TIRE SWING…heaven you have found me.  The wolf-pack saddled up and gave it a ride…haha dirty joke.  Anyway, we ended up parting with Liz and Kelsie after this and headed off to the Blarney Golf Resort…ooo la la.
            In all honesty, this was the most beautiful golf course I have ever played on…absolutely stunning, dropped right between the rolling hills of Ireland.  The pro-shop gave us 10 balls…really?  3 balls each for 18 holes…but we surprised ourselves…they lasted us through the 16th hole, so we almost finished the entire day on 10 balls…well technically 16…eww, wiener joke…see, it’s funny.   Throughout the round, everyone had a few good shots…and everyone surely had some worm burners and shankers.  I had a few pars, Jay and I had amazing chip-ins from the rough, and Aaron was the power-bottom slash the master blaster, they call him Tiger Page…mere coincidence.
            After golf, we took a Texas Chainsaw massacre taxi ride through the backwoods.  Sorry Diane.  Cooking tonight…hell no.  Five star pizza tonight…hell no. How about 4-star pizza?  Ok, boom.  We ate dinner and crashed by one…hey, we fratted hard on the course…give us some rest.

1 comment:

  1. ahahaha! I really wish I had seen that picture of Liz kissing the stone.
