Sunday, August 1, 2010

I see where your priorities are at Ireland

Dear World,

I blame this on you completely…if you actually were reading my blog, you would have realized that I mentioned (last Friday…featured in Quick and Dirty…That’s How We Do It…I stated “When we got back, we planned a trip to Kinsale…but it was more like a Kin…nap.  We fell asleep, deciding to make the trek Sunday”)  Clearly none of you care enough to have noticed this, which leaves me disappointed in you all…but whatever…im over it, I solved the mystery.
            Kinsale was really nice, and luckily it didn’t rain for absolutely every fuc*ing second we were there.  We first visited Desmond Castle…apparently this place was pretty important in history slash was a winery…I see where your priorities are at Ireland…its ok.  Jay lost a game of rock paper scissors to a mannequin and I kindly introducted myself to the original Mr. Hennessey…what a guy, let me tell you.  Sorry fellow travelers, Jay and I are the only ones who want to take the silly walk…Doug, the road was spelled Scilly…not Siciliy, which is not in Ireland thank you.  The 3 mile walk in the rain was romantic, featuring a road side pit stop into the bay…a word from the wise…if you make it look like your making a phone call nobody would ever suspect youre taking a leak…works like a charm.
            3 miles later, we arrived at an Irish fort…from the history tour we received, it seemed as if this place is where the Irish had their shit beat multiple times by multiple people…sweet fort, not very heroic though.  To top it off, the ticket checker mumbled in his thick French accent…Irish historical site, French greeter…figure it out boys, good thing Gabe wasn’t here or else shit would hit the fan…unacceptable.
            To top off the man-venture, Jay and I decided to eat at the Robinson Caruso inspired restaurant, Man Friday’s.  O what’s up 30 Euro entrees, no thanks.  It was Sunday anyway, we were two days late.  Let me quickly backtrack and let you know that we were on the same bus to Kinsale as 4 other UCC girls and Fernando…Fernando travelled with them, but was subsequently left behind by the girls…good work ladies, luckily Fernando is a good man, he forgives you.
            Jay and I took the bus back…and that night…absolutely no idea what went on…back to black out.

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